My Story

As a kid, I loved starting all sorts of projects, excited by how they could potentially solve my everyday problems. This spark stayed with me into my career in software development, giving me a new sense of impact. It taught me to view challenges as opportunities for learning and growth, understanding, and finding solutions by aiming for simplicity.

I delight engaging in deep discussions about our work, its direction, and the reasons behind our choices. This blend of my background and curiosity led me to the world of software engineering and user experience.

Current Endeavors

As I conclude my chapter at Hakkei, I am now looking for roles that allow me to tackle engaging challenges and further develop my expertise in full-stack frontend engineering.

My interest areas are in building products, user experience, and frontend developer tooling- taking a pragmatic approach to creating intuitive experiences that evolve and improve based on user metrics.

self portrait


  1. Secure an engineering role that fosters growth in my areas of interest of frontend infra and user experience.

  2. Improve speaking skills to better communicate thoughts and ideas to diverse audiences.

  3. Express ideas clearly and concisely in both speaking and writing.

Personal Life

On a personal note, I'm very much a homebody and the proud dog dad of a talkative Samoyed. I like staying busy with hands-on DIY projects in my spare time.

Other interests in no specific order:


Jazz guitar

Office ergonomics


Color theory

Home DIY projects

IOT Projects


Custom networking

Progressive web apps